Monday Musings: Time and Baked Ziti

I found myself thinking about time this morning. Time is such an important part of my life, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

What does time do? It escapes us; we waste it; it goes by too fast; it can’t go by fast enough; we use it wisely. I typically feel all of these different ways about time in one day. When I walked into school at 7:30am, I thought, “I can’t wait until Friday.” During my hour-long prep, I wrote a to-do list for myself and “used my time wisely.” After work today, I had just a little bit of time to get home, let the dogs out, and get to BodyPump by 5:00pm. Because it is Moose’s birthday, another concept involving time, I wanted to get him and Frankie to the dog park tonight as well before “time escapes” us and it got too dark.


On the weekends, though, I am more relaxed with time. I often do not set an alarm, obviously have no bells ringing at certain times of the day, and don’t worry as much about being productive every minute.

Even when I am less stressed, I still get stuff done. On Sunday, I made it to the dog park, picked up some groceries, and cooked Brody and I breakfast…all before 10:00am.

French toast and coffee for me and an omelet and Dt. Mountain Dew for Brody.
I must’ve had one too many cups of coffee because I set off on a cleaning rampage, and much to Brody’s protests, he became a part of it. We also ran to Endurance House (I needed GU and GU Brew) and Home Depot for my vegetable beds. See…productivity without time constraints. And don’t worry – we also relaxed by watching That 70’s Show and I read fifty pages of Fahrenheit 451.

Honestly, I haven’t drawn any conclusions about time. It just popped into my head this morning, and after pondering it for the day, I realized how important and controlling it is to my life but how differently I treat it on the weekends versus the weekdays.


Last week at Trader Joe’s, I picked up a carton of two fennel bulbs specifically for this Emeril Lagassi recipe. Years ago, I was looking for a recipe I thought Brody would like. I stumbled across this gem and have since made it at least ten times.

Through trial and error, I have perfected the recipe and can basically make it without the recipe. If you choose to make it, which I highly suggest you do, consider these suggestions:
-Cut the fennel into small pieces or thin slices (they take a while to soften)
-Cook the sausage and fennel at the same time
-When making the Mornay sauce, heat up the milk first before adding it to the roux
-Take the pasta out earlier than you normally would
-Serve with baguette to sop up the remaining sauce

If you wanted to make this a little healthier, you could use turkey sausage; I think Jennie-O makes a hot Italian turkey sausage. You could also add spinach to it for a nutritional kick with little to no change in flavor. Lastly, whole wheat pasta would up the fiber. However, I really make this dish for Brody because he loves it so much, and I would hate it taint his memory of it by changing it this late in the game.

I hope you all had a great Monday!


What I Ate Wednesday

Hello! Welcome to another installment of What I Ate Wednesday! Thanks to Miss Jenn for hosting this share session and for allowing us to enjoy and appreciate what we eat. A friend recently told me, “I love how excited you get about food,” and I thought it was a wonderful compliment. I hope my appreciation for food comes through on my blog, and this is one of the reasons I chose to begin participating in WIAW.


Breakfast: French toast, banana, and iced coffee (6:15am)

Last night I mentioned my plans to make French toast this morning, and it actually happened. At Trader Joe’s on Sunday, I bought a loaf of Tuscan bread. We used it for paninis Sunday night, and now being a few days old, I knew it would make great French toast. It felt good to break out of my overnight oats routine with something I normally reserve for weekends. Someone may have licked the last remnants of maple syrup off the plate…

Snack: string cheese (10:15am)
Yup, same as last week and no picture. Today I quickly ate my cheese during my third hour while the kids were working on computers in the lab.

Lunch: fried rice, cantaloupe, mini York Peppermint Patty (12:45am)

This rice was even better today! I mixed in the rest of the shrimp and some chicken and drizzled a little more soy sauce over it. Some veggies were in this dish: shredded carrots, onions, scallions, and edamame (vegetable?). The cantaloupe was sweet and juicy, although I think it was from Peru (#buyinglocalepicfail). The peppermint patty is from my post-Easter candy purchase and satisfied my need to pure sugar. I could never do the Paleo diet.

Snack: Toast with sunflower seed butter and a banana
Normally I try to not eat too big of a snack after school, but I made a running date with a girl I ran with once and who I am friends with on Daily Mile. She has eight miles scheduled, and although I don’t need to run until tomorrow and I only need to do five, I agreed to meet up. My weekday runs aren’t nearly as enjoyable as my long Saturday run, namely because I do them alone. Yah for running buddies! So my food…uh, no vegetables (not doing so great with the “extra cup of veggies” theme today). I chose to eat my standard pre-run breakfast because I know it sits well in my stomach. Also, I knew we wouldn’t be eating dinner until 8:00pm.

Dinner: buffalo chicken sausage and salad (8:00pm)

Upon arriving at home, Brody had already fired up the grill to cook my chicken sausages and his Italian sausages. I also had a salad with TJ’s peanut dressing and frozen mango.

So there ya go – another day of eats. I wasn’t very good about my veggie intake, so maybe I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow.


April Photo a Day theme: hair

Below the stools by our breakfast bar, the dog hair accumulates and multiplies. I have no idea WHY it goes here. It is kind of gross…sorry to end a post all about food with an image of Golden Retriever hair.

Have a good night!

Do you ever make more involved breakfasts during the week?
If you had to take a picture of hair, what would you do it of?