Baby Shower

Happy Memorial Day!

While I should be bummed that it’s cold and drizzly outside, I’m not. A day inside relaxing on the couch, watching Newsroom (a fabulous HBO show), grading research papers, and writing a couple blog posts is just what I need. Okay, I could do without the grading part, but it can’t be all rest and relaxation.

I’ve been procrastinating on this post but am excited to share the day with you all and also get everything documented before I forget all of the details. I’ve heard mommy brain is way worse than pregnancy brain.

The first weekend in May, my sister and mom threw me a baby shower. Luckily people (besides me) took pictures using Brody and my new camera: Canon PowerShot XS260 HS. They turned out great and will help me remember this fun day.

My mom and sister, Laura, kept me in the dark about most things, which I was perfectly fine with. They had a pale yellow and pink theme – very pretty.


My mom works at a bakery up in the Appleton area, and the owner made this beautiful cake. I loved the book idea! As I’ve mentioned, reading to our baby is something Brody and I are very excited to do, and we have TONS of books already.

But back to this cake. It was not only gorgeous but also delicious: vanilla cake, strawberry filling, and the most perfect, fluffy, not overly sweet frosting.

Sadly, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law do not live close by, and instead of booking flights to come to the shower, they’re waiting to come visit until the baby is born. Makes sense – this baby is going to be much more interesting outside of my belly. They were both at the shower in spirit, though, and I thought of them every time I looked at the beautiful flowers they sent.IMG_0022

I loved looking at this huge bouquet on my kitchen table for the next week!

Originally, I believe my mom and sister were considering hosting the shower at a restaurant, but Kelly and Owen graciously opened up their house for this shindig. Their house is an open-concept layout with a patio right off the kitchen – it was seriously perfect, so thank you to them!IMG_0024

Owen loved being the only male at the party, and as always, he was such a happy baby.

In case you were wondering, the other boys, Barret (Kelly’s husband, Owen’s dad, and Brody’s law school buddy and now coworker) and Brody, took the dogs up to the Dodgeville area where Barret’s parents have a house and lots of land – like 300+ acres. They all spent the afternoon hiking, and the dogs went swimming in a pond.

After mingling for a bit, my sister had everyone sit and we did the first game and round of gifts. Using pink string, guests had to guess my belly’s circumference – I believe my godmother, Linda, won.IMG_0034

Every guest was asked to bring a book that either they or their child enjoyed. It was so fun getting more books! Surprisingly, with this shower and my one at school (where people were also asked to each bring a book), I didn’t end up with too many duplicates. Plus, I’ve been told, it’s good to have more than one for putting in various places: nursery, first floor, car, diaper bag, etc.

After book opening, it was time to eat. We had quite the buffet: pulled pork and ham sandwiches, fruit salad, pasta salad, veggies and dip, taco salad, and pita and hummus. Of course we also had cake.
IMG_0045And we had cookies made by my sister’s coworker.

IMG_0042It was so nice outside that a handful of guests and myself ate on the patio. Wisconsin had been having such a craptastic spring, so this sunshine and warm weather felt amazing. IMG_0048

After eating, we all came back inside to play a couple more games. My sister did a great job of picking games that were fun but not too cheesy or time consuming. Good work Laura!

Next, it was time to open gifts. While I love getting these gifts for Baby and so appreciate everyone’s generosity, this is my least favorite part of showers. I tried to find a balance between not going too slow, but also taking my time with each person’s gift to show how thankful I am. I also recognize it’s not the most entertaining part of the day for my guests, so I don’t want them to be bored.

IMG_0068By the end of the gift opening, I was a little sweaty, not gonna lie.

People started to head out after the gifts had been opened. The shower started at 11am, and it was around 2pm by this time.

I had so much fun seeing everyone, and there were lots of different groups of friends who came: high school friends, college friends, Wine and Recipe friends, Brody’s female coworkers/friends, and family friends. It was a wonderful day, and I was reminded how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life.

IMG_0041I can’t wait for Baby to meet all of these fantastic people, including the two people who made this day possible: my mom and sister.

When you attend showers (bridal or baby), do you buy off the registry, give gift cards, or get something different?
What’s your favorite and least favorite parts of being a guest at a shower and being the “guest of honor”?

It’s an Ellen Kind of Day

What an amazing day! On my friend Bridget’s blog, her tagline is “I’m having an incredible year.” Well, I feel like I’m having an incredible day…and it’s not even over yet!!!

But first: April Photo a Day
Yesterday, I honestly completely forgot about taking my picture, so it’s here today. Better late than never.

The next text I will be teaching is Death of a Salesman, which I haven’t read since high school. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow? I had to hunt down the copies, so this is my something you found.

Ellen is always so happy, and while I flipping through the March edition of Real Simple, I came across this ad. Because Chantelle’s theme was how you feel today, I snapped a photo of Ellen’s smiling face.

Reason Number One I am Happy Like Ellen:
I had a fantastic run this morning with Mel and her husband Tim. We covered twelve miles and ran along Lakeshore Path, past Hoyt Park, down Monroe, past the zoo, and back to Brittingham Park. The temperature was perfect, I wore my new running clothes (Old Navy tank and Nike spandex shorts from Marshall’s), the GUs I brought were yummy (Roctane chocolate raspberry and blackberry), and we finished with an average pace of 9:41. Could it get much better than that?

Reason Number Two I am Happy Like Ellen:
One of the Wine and Recipe ladies, Mel, is pregnant with her first child and is due at the end of May. Two of the other Wine and Recipe ladies, Jena and Emily, threw Mel a baby shower today. Because Mel and her hubby are not finding out the sex of the baby, everything needed to be gender neutral. I went over to Jena’s house last night to help set up the adorable bee themed decorations and food.

This was the sweetest theme ever!

We had yummy food: chicken salad in pita, veggie wraps, pasta salad, spinach salad, cowboy caviar, fruit pops, cupcakes (which I helped frost), and Oreo truffles.
It was fun to watch Mel open all of her gifts. Many of the other women there have kids, and so many times they said things like, “I wish we had had that!” Mel was especially excited for all of the bath time presents.

*The woman to the right of Mel looks like she’s picking her nose, but she’s not.  I doubt she’ll ever read my blog, so I am posting this picture.  Casey, if you find this, I am sorry.

I cleaned off a few items off her registry that no one apparently wanted to buy, including a bottle scrubber, a medical dispensing kit, and bibs. As an English teacher, I feel it is my duty (and joy) to give books to expecting moms. My always book is Goodnight Moon; I LOVED this book as a little girl and would apparently make my dad read it to me every night. Besides that, I also found Ten Little Monkeys: Jumping On the Bed.

We played some fun, non-cheesy games too. Jena printed off pictures of celebrities’ kids; she gave us the names of the moms but we had to put the mom and child together. We got an extra point for knowing the name of the kid. I don’t follow celebrity “news” much but knew a few.

Another cute idea, because it wasn’t exactly a game, was for everyone to fill out a sheet of paper with sentence starters such as “I hope you learn…” and “I hope you laugh…” for Baby Baker. Emily compiled everyone’s sheet and made a cute scrapbook that said “We’re Excited to See Who You Will Bee.”

While I had a great time at Mel’s baby shower, I am sad to be missing my college friend’s bachelorette party in Chicago tonight. With Brody being in Vegas and not being able to fond anyone to watch the dogs, it just wasn’t in the cards. I hope all of my Pi Phi girls have lots of fun!

Cheers to an Ellen-happy-face day!

What was the best thing so far about your Saturday?
What is your favorite baby shower game? Least favorite?
Did you run today? Share the deets!