What I Ate Wednesday

Hello! Welcome to another installment of What I Ate Wednesday! Thanks to Miss Jenn for hosting this share session and for allowing us to enjoy and appreciate what we eat. A friend recently told me, “I love how excited you get about food,” and I thought it was a wonderful compliment. I hope my appreciation for food comes through on my blog, and this is one of the reasons I chose to begin participating in WIAW.


Breakfast: French toast, banana, and iced coffee (6:15am)

Last night I mentioned my plans to make French toast this morning, and it actually happened. At Trader Joe’s on Sunday, I bought a loaf of Tuscan bread. We used it for paninis Sunday night, and now being a few days old, I knew it would make great French toast. It felt good to break out of my overnight oats routine with something I normally reserve for weekends. Someone may have licked the last remnants of maple syrup off the plate…

Snack: string cheese (10:15am)
Yup, same as last week and no picture. Today I quickly ate my cheese during my third hour while the kids were working on computers in the lab.

Lunch: fried rice, cantaloupe, mini York Peppermint Patty (12:45am)

This rice was even better today! I mixed in the rest of the shrimp and some chicken and drizzled a little more soy sauce over it. Some veggies were in this dish: shredded carrots, onions, scallions, and edamame (vegetable?). The cantaloupe was sweet and juicy, although I think it was from Peru (#buyinglocalepicfail). The peppermint patty is from my post-Easter candy purchase and satisfied my need to pure sugar. I could never do the Paleo diet.

Snack: Toast with sunflower seed butter and a banana
Normally I try to not eat too big of a snack after school, but I made a running date with a girl I ran with once and who I am friends with on Daily Mile. She has eight miles scheduled, and although I don’t need to run until tomorrow and I only need to do five, I agreed to meet up. My weekday runs aren’t nearly as enjoyable as my long Saturday run, namely because I do them alone. Yah for running buddies! So my food…uh, no vegetables (not doing so great with the “extra cup of veggies” theme today). I chose to eat my standard pre-run breakfast because I know it sits well in my stomach. Also, I knew we wouldn’t be eating dinner until 8:00pm.

Dinner: buffalo chicken sausage and salad (8:00pm)

Upon arriving at home, Brody had already fired up the grill to cook my chicken sausages and his Italian sausages. I also had a salad with TJ’s peanut dressing and frozen mango.

So there ya go – another day of eats. I wasn’t very good about my veggie intake, so maybe I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow.


April Photo a Day theme: hair

Below the stools by our breakfast bar, the dog hair accumulates and multiplies. I have no idea WHY it goes here. It is kind of gross…sorry to end a post all about food with an image of Golden Retriever hair.

Have a good night!

Do you ever make more involved breakfasts during the week?
If you had to take a picture of hair, what would you do it of?

7 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one with dog hair on her floor. I try to vacuum every week…sometimes that doesn’t happen though. What kind of dog do you have?
      Oooohh, stuffed french toast. I’ll have to try that next. What do you stuff it with? Cream cheese? Banana? PB?

      • My favorite stuffing for it is a laughing cow cheese wedge (or light cream cheese) and peanut or almond butter. I also love chocolate almond butter and bananas. Pb&j is a good one too!

        We have a chocolate lab (she’s the worst when it comes to shedding), a blue-ticked beagle, and a fat cat that sheds. Sheesh!

  1. I do not make breakfast in the morning….ever. I eat it I just don’t make it. Yogurt, and a protein bar and lots of water is my go to. I would have taken a picture of Dukes beard or eye brows…..they are outta control cute right now! AND only 1 MONTH TILL YOUR MARATHON HOLY S%^&$ Angie! Start carbo loading now.

    • Hahaha…Duke’s eyebrows are out of control – do you ever get those things waxed? Or maybe trim them with a scissors?
      I know…so close. My food intake hasn’t really changed much while training. I was a little nervous because so many women say their appetites go through the roof, but I haven’t noticed much of a difference.
      What protein bars are you eating?

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